Product Name: Fix Your Stubborn Chest With Angiogenesis Training!
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One of the major reasons why you might be having problems with your chest development is poor CIRCULATION.
Having a hard time getting a pump in a muscle is a good indicator of this. In fact, you’ve probably found that your muscles that pump up most easily are the ones that are your best bodyparts and that grow most easily.
The problem is, if you don’t have a good enough blood supply feeding the muscle fibers of your pecs, you’ll have a hard time getting a pump in your chest and it will NEVER grow to the size you want it to.
This training method will FIX that by improving the “microcirculation” to the pecs…the tiny blood vessels where nutrient and oxygen exchange happens.
Angiogenesis Training is targeted to improving the blood supply to your muscles
and connective tissue by literally creating new blood vessels.
The greater the blood supply to your muscles, the more nutrients
and oxygen your muscles will get, the faster waste products can be removed from the muscles, and the better they will perform and GROW.
This training protocol
results in 4 to 6 minutes (or more) of near-continuous work and blood flow. It will literally FLOOD your pecs with blood, pushing in nutrients and oxygen, setting the stage for extreme growth and vascularity.
We’re going to be alternating between two exercises
using two VERY different loads. This is going to allow you to work continuously
for relatively long periods by targeting completely different muscle fibers types,
motor units and energy systems.
It’s essentially a “giant set” of two repeating exercises, alternating light and heavy, for 4-6 rounds through, done without rest.
You will use ONE exercise with two sets of weights…one light weight that you’ll do for very
high reps (I’m using 25 lb dumbbells) and one heavy weight that you’ll do for low reps (I’m using 75 lb dumbbells). This weight should be about 2-3 times as heavy…we’ll
be doing 2 rep sets with it.
Now, in addition to the other effects, working with the much heavier load
like this also increases your “local” blood pressure in the target muscle during the lift. This is good because one of the keys to forging
new pathways for blood to flow is to FORCE the small blood vessels to
By filling the muscles up with massive amounts of blood then
putting MUCH heavier loads on the body, that jump in blood pressure
will (in theory…I don’t have research backing this up, just logic) help enhance the rupturing process for creating
new blood vessels.
When you do these two rep sets, focus on performing a STRONG contraction
of the target muscle. Really squeeze it for all it’s worth. We want
to increase the blood pressure within that muscle as much as possible.
It should be a hard contraction…literally to the point of being painful.
(Get as many reps as you can, close to failure on the light sets…the rep numbers here are just for an example).
That’s ONE Angio Set. Then you’ll rest 3 minutes and do it one more time (2 Angio Sets is all you need).
We’re using this special form of “pump” training to push your body to create MORE tiny blood vessels to supply your pecs with nutrient-rich blood.
By performing this style of training regularly, you can dramatically increase the blood supply to your chest, improving it’s ability to grow by SUPPORTING that growth.
“I mean seriously. I’ve been working out JUST as long as you have… we both just turned 50 a few weeks ago… we started training together at literally the EXACT same time… like, what, 35 years ago now?”
Jack was staring at me from across the restaurant table, leaning forward in his chair, an angry frown on his face, arms folded on the table in front of him. I had seen that look many times before… and it usually meant he was about to go off.
I opened my mouth to talk but before I could fit a word in, he continued, his voice getting louder as he got more and more worked up.
“I’ve been training consistently that whole time…”
“I’ve been eating good…”
“I work hard every time I hit the weights…”
“I mean, I THINK I’m in pretty good shape overall… definitely in better shape than most of the guys we grew up with. They’re friggin falling apart. But that was never me. I train… I put in the work…”
“I keep getting all these stupid injuries doing stupid little things. The other day, I was bending down to pick a pen up off the floor. I sneezed and it felt like somebody hit me in the back with a hammer. My wife almost had a panic attack when she heard me scream from the kitchen.”
He shook his head slowly, his lips pursed, recalling the pain and embarassment.
“Do you know how embarassing it feels to have your wife have to help you get up off the floor because you hurt yourself frickin SNEEZING? She used to think I was invincible.” he said quietly, looking down before closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh.
“It took me 10 minutes to get out of bed the next morning and another 20 minutes in a hot shower to get it feeling better enough to drag myself to the car to go to work.”
“And, of course, a few weeks before that, I was playing basketball with my kid, whipping his butt as usual. I jumped up to make an easy lay up and when I came down my knee gave out. Just gave out. No reason. Knee just said ‘screw you’ and gave out and I fell over.”
He pounded his hand onto the table with each word, rattling his coffee cup on the table and drawing questioning looks from a couple of the other people sitting nearby.
I raised my eyebrows and he calmed down a bit, going back to a normal voice.
“I mean for real…what am I doing wrong? I feel like my age is catching up to me and I’m just so frustrated…I’m not ready for that. I hate this.” he paused for a moment.
I looked at him… paused for a few long seconds, smiling, just to make him even madder… then dropped the bomb…
“I figured out how to do it and I can teach you how…”
That’s me in the picture below here at age 50… I’ve been a strength coach and bodybuilding author for more than 30 years and a lifetime natural trainer for 35 years (that includes no TRT).
I’ve written more than 20 books on weight training and I KNOW what it takes to keep building muscle and strength into your 40’s and 50’s and beyond (I actually hit a personal record deadlift of 605 lbs three weeks after my 50th birthday).
First, you need to understand that aging is a process, NOT a disease, and that process can, in a number of ways, be REVERSED.
I won’t tell you that you can “age backwards” or anything like that. But you CAN absolutely target specific physiological processes that happen in your body due to aging and IMPROVE them with training, nutrition and targeted supplementation.
You’re going to discover the four highest-impact factors that can reset your body’s “muscle clock” back approximately 15 to 20 YEARS.
Jack was my best friend from high school. We’re literally the EXACT same age…born on the same day, in the same hospital (I’m 8 hours older).
We grew up in the same town… went to the same schools… we even started training together at the exact same time in a little storefront gym at the local strip mall (Goldie’s Gym… yeah, not kidding… that was the actual, real name).
Honestly, he’s like a walking control group for the stuff I’m about to share with you…
It had been about 6 years since I had seen Jack in person. I hadn’t had time to get back home in a really long time.
So when I finally got a chance to visit, I dropped him a text to meet up for lunch at the Dairy Queen we used to go to for lunch all the time in high school.
We met up and started talking about how things were going for both of us…family…work…all the usual stuff when you get together with old friends. It was great to catch up and we had a lot of laughs talking about old times.
Then after about an hour, after a bit of a longer pause in the conversation, he looked out the window for a minute then back at me then surprised me with those words…
“How come I got old and you didn’t?”
He stopped and continued to stare at me.
I looked back at him and said… “You know what… I’m going to tell you. And since I know you have a hard time learning new things, I’m going to talk really slowly…”
He let out an exasperated curse word under his breath.
“Dude, just shut up and start talking.”
“It’s not exactly a scientific term but anybody who’s past the age of 40 knows exactly what this feels like. Scientifically, it’s called ‘Sarcopenia’ or age-releated muscle loss.”
“You can’t do all the things you used to be able to do. You can’t run as fast, you can’t lift as much weight, your muscles start getting smaller. You can’t recover as quickly from workouts. Quite frankly, it sucks.”
“Now, the crazy thing is, I actually just read a study that showed that aging happens in two major bursts… once in your mid 40’s and once in your early 60’s.”
“With regular weight training and exercise, you can mostly power through these bursts and hold onto a good portion of your muscle mass. It’s starting to catch up to you, though.”
He was nodding his head in agreement.
“Yep, that sounds about right. A couple of years ago is when I really started noticing my mass and strength levels were falling off.”
He looked a bit stunned by this…as though I had insulted his dog or something.
“Don’t get me wrong…normal weight training is awesome. I train, well, kinda normal most of the time.”
Jack was looking a little skeptical… he was in for a brain-bender now, though…
By the look on his face, I could see his brain working overtime as he mentally digested this statement… I could almost smell the smoke…
“Wait…what?” he finally managed to get out.
“I’m going to tell you something it took me almost all 35 of my years of training to figure out and it’s going to help you turn back the clock on your muscles by almost 20 years.”
“Ok…” he said hesitantly.
“When you just train for building muscle or strength, you’re not fully working all the underlying systems in your body that support your muscle mass.”
“And one of the MAJOR reasons you start losing muscle mass as you get older is BECAUSE those support systems are weakening as you age.”
“If you don’t, then your body just can’t physically support a higher level of muscle mass and you start to lose it.”
“Think of it like the infrastructure of a town…you can only build as many houses as you have water to supply them…or lumber to build them… or grocery stores to feed the people.
If you don’t have the infrastructure to support the town, the people will leave…just like your muscle mass does if YOUR internal infrastructure can’t support it.”
He paused for a moment…
“So let me see if I’ve got this straight… all the training I’m doing to build muscle is just fighting a losing battle…unless I ALSO train these OTHER systems that support my muscle?”
He looked thoughtful for a moment but still a bit skeptical.
“And you’re saying if I bring those systems back up, I’ll have an easier time building and keeping muscle?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” I said with a smile. “This stuff is my idea of fun.”
“There are four major systems that diminish with age and as these start to go, your muscle starts to go with them. And I’m not just making this up…there is a TON of research that backs this up. I’ll pull up those pages as I tell you about them.”
Jack nodded his head and pulled his chair up closer to the table.
I leaned back in my chair, clasped my hands behind my head and stretched backwards.
“So I’ll tell you, ever since I hit my mid 40’s… just like that study I was talking about a minute ago said… I started noticing things weren’t working quite as well as they used to in the gym.”
“My body wasn’t responding quite as well to the programs I was doing… my digestion was starting to give me issues… and when I was training really hard, I just couldn’t recover from the stuff that I used to be able to recover from.”
Jack was nodding with understanding.
“It was really ticking me off… so I decided to DO something about it.”
“I took all my training knowledge and research experience… almost 30 years of it at that point… and started trying to figure out the ROOT causes of why muscle mass goes away as the aging process progresses.”
“I was NOT going to accept that losing my mass and strength was just going to happen and there was nothing I could do about it. No way.”
Jack raised an eyebrow…
“That got me thinking… why is THAT happening? And that got me thinking about feeling cold… my mother-in-law, who was in her late 70’s at the time, always kept her house at like 85 degrees at all times in order to not feel freezing cold, even in the summer.”
“And THAT got me thinking… my hands seemed to get cold more easily because the blood circulation to them appeared to be getting worse…”
“…and what if that means your muscles aren’t getting FED by blood vessels as much as they need to be, which means you can’t maintain muscle size as easily…”
“And even more importantly… how do I train to FIX it?”
I pulled out my phone and opened up a few of the pages I had saved on it for research.
“It’s a bit dry but let me read you their conclusion…” I said.
“That’s science-speak but it means EXACTLY what I was talking about… having enough of those tiny blood vessels to feed your muscles is CRITICAL to building muscle as you get older.”
“And THAT is when I knew I was really onto something…”
“Connective tissue was the next one that I found that really gets hit hard by aging…”
“Then it was your muscle fiber number and the greater loss of your larger and stronger fast twitch muscle fibers…”
“Then it was the nervous system and the way your explosive power and strength just get TRASHED by aging…”
“Honestly, the more I researched these factors, the more and more depressed I got…”
“…but then I got EXCITED.”
Jack looked at me with a curious expression…
“What do you mean? It ALL just sounds depressing…all these things that are all going wrong. How can that be exciting?”
“And when I say ‘dramatically,’ I really do mean ‘dramatically.’ I’m not being dramatic, I swear.”
“You know I’ve doing been all kinds of insane training for almost 35 years now … I’m not called the ‘Mad Scientist of Muscle’ for nothing.”
“You ain’t kidding.” he said. “I’ve seen the shi-, I mean STUFF that you do.”
“So aaaanyways… I absorbed the research I was reading and I created my OWN training and supplementation SOLUTIONS to every single one of these four physiological ‘muscle-eating’ problems I found that occur with aging.”
“And I can tell you from my own experience… and from a few other guys that I’ve put on these training methods… that this stuff flat-out WORKS.”
“Ok, you need to tell me all about this NOW.”
“So I know you took some basic physiology in high school but I’m going to give you a bit of a refresher here so that we’re on the same page.”
“You know what arteries and veins are…and you know the arteries get smaller and smaller until they become those tiny blood vessels called capillaries. And that’s where the action happens. That’s where oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the muscle cells and where carbon dioxide and waste products are picked up and removed.”
“Now, what you may NOT know is that as you age, you start to LOSE muscle capillaries. Your body starts to close them down and they just go away. This means your muscles have less blood supply feeding them where it counts…where the nutrients and oxygen are getting delivered.”
“And what do you think happens when your muscle cells can’t get enough food?…”
“So no matter how hard or how effectively I train my muscles, if they can’t physically get enough nutrients, then they can’t grow or even stay as big.”
“You got it. It’s all about supply and demand. The demand may be there, but your muscles aren’t getting the supply.”
“So how do I train to fix that?”
I smiled slyly…”You’re going to love this…”
Jack had perked up when I said the word “pump.”
“So wait…won’t any training that I do that gets me a pump do this?”
“Great question.” I nodded. “And to some degree, yes, so even without this protocol, training for a pump will give you some of these benefits.”
“However, it’s not going to be nearly as good as with training that’s specifically designed to not only GET the pump… but to KEEP the pump going as long as possible as well.”
“The analogy I like to use is that it’s like trying to learn Spanish by watching soaps on Telemundo. You’ll get something out of it but not nearly as much as if you do something actually designed to get the results you’re looking for.”
Before he could say anything, I kept going…
He looked at me questioningly and made a gesture with his hands… “and that is…”
“Ok, great.” he said. “So I’ll load up on arginine before I train.”
I smiled and shook my head.
“Well, unfortunately arginine has a really hard time getting past your gut. You can load up on it and only a tiny fraction will ever get into your bloodstream.”
He rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling.
“But there IS a supplement you can take that CONVERTS into arginine in your bloodstream at a rate more than 100 TIMES higher than if you actually take arginine.”
“You’re going to hate me but I’m going to tell you later. I don’t want you rushing out the door before I finish talking about the other 3 factors first.”
“Yep, you’re right. I hate you.”
“As we get older, our connective tissue dries out…like literally dries out. As the fluid that is SUPPOSED to be circulating through it diminishes, your connective tissue dries out and gets more brittle.”
“Well that doesn’t sound very good.” Jack said.
“No… it definitely doesn’t..” I responded.
“That means your connective tissue is much more susceptible to getting an injury where when you were younger, the same thing would NOT have resulted in an injury.”
A light bulb went off in his head.
“So that’s why my knee gave out when it wouldn’t have before.” he said.
“You got it. Your connective tissue simply can’t take the forces that it used to be able to take.”
I continued…”Here’s why…”
“Your body has a really clever way to assess the force being put on the muscles called Golgi tendon organs. If those tiny organs sense there’s too much force being applied to the muscle fibers and connective tissue that they can’t handle, it basically hits the kill switch on your muscles…like when your knee gave out. That system prevented you from getting either a muscle tear or connective tissue tear.”
“It didn’t prevent me from getting an ego bruise, though…” he smiled.
“Yeah, though I’m sure your kid might have a hernia now from laughing at you.”
“But wait, doesn’t heavy training like squatting and stuff work the connective tissue enough?”
I nodded. “Yep, to some degree it does, just like with circulation. You’ll get SOME results from normal training…much better than not training at all, of course.”
“What I’ve found, though, is that even normal heavy training doesn’t give you the same benefits as what I’m about to tell you…the loads aren’t heavy enough or sustained enough to really impact the connective tissue to the highest degree… you’ll see what I mean.”
He raised his eyebrows at this.
“Seriously?” he said. “Can it help me heal old injuries, too?”
“Honestly, yes. I’ve actually had people use this training protocol and have old injuries and old nagging pains completely heal up after doing it. It’s really simple and it works INCREDIBLY well.”
He paused. “I was expecting something more…well… insane… from you.”
“Just wait til you hear what you have to do, then get back to me.” I said.
“The example I like to use is standing in the squat rack with a heavy weight on your back, like you were at the top of the squat. You’re going to just stand there with it on your back and let the weight compress your body and your connective tissue. The goal is to minimize your muscle activation and just let your connective tissue and bones bear the load.”
“Now, I’ve been doing this kind of training for more than 30 years, so I can use a ridiculous amount of weight for it, but you can get tremendous benefits from it just from weights around your one rep squat max, too.”
“This heavy, continuous compression squeezes the fluid out of your connective tissue…then after a set period of time, we set the weight down, reach up and grab the chin-up bar and do a dead hang. This will decompress everything.”
“This is like a bellows or like hydraulics that use pressure to force the fluid out then decompression to suck the fluid back in from the other side (figuratively speaking).
“So my dried out connective tissue will get rehydrated like beef jerky soaking in water?” he said.
“Well…yeah. Surprisingly, that’s actually sort of right…. and there’s one more thing…”
“Of course there is.” he said.
“We’re ALSO going to flood your system with structural, connective tissue-supporting nutrients… like collagen and Vitamin C… right before we do this training.”
He cocked his head to the side.
“Ah…so that we’re pushing those nutrients right into the connective tissue where they need to get to and where those nutrients COULDN’T get to before.”
Jack was getting pretty excited at this point and looked like he was itching to jump out of his chair.
“Settle down, brother. We’re only halfway through… just wait til you see what’s next.”
“As we age, the number of muscle fibers we’ve got starts to decrease. Most guys aren’t using their muscles as much, those muscles aren’t getting fed because their circulation is going away…and their connective tissue is drying out and getting weaker by the day.”
“And as you can imagine, the fewer muscle fibers we’ve got, the smaller and weaker our muscles are going to be. Then to make it worse, most of those muscle fibers that are dropping off are the bigger, stronger fast twitch muscle fibers.”
“It’s a nasty one-two punch…it’s like you’re slowly turning into a hardgainer, even if you weren’t one before. And if you WERE one before, well now you’re doubly screwed.”
Jack was being awfully quiet now, looking skeptical again… so I pressed on.
“I can see by the look on your face that you’re not sure about this one.”
“Yep, I remember reading about this… I know growing the muscle fibers bigger is called hypertrophy. Everybody knows that. Then I read that SPLITTING the muscle fibers is called hyperplasia and it’s like the Holy Grail of building muscle. And I also read it didn’t happen in humans.”
“Ok, this is where we get what I like to call ‘ahead of the science.'”
“While it IS true that there hasn’t been direct proof shown in research in humans that you can increase the number of your muscle fibers, there IS direct proof it happens in animal research and there ARE indirect indicators that it happens in humans.”
“The problem is, the training protocols that show it happening in animals are really hard to replicate in humans. And also to really count the number of muscle fibers manually would be impractical in humans who want to not be picked apart like a Thanksgiving turkey. So we’re stuck with indirect evidence.”
Jack just about spat out his drink.
“300 PERCENT!?” he coughed. “WHAT?”
“For real.” I said. “Heck, I even got in contact with the researcher who did those studies, Dr. Jose Antonio, and ran my protocol by him. He really liked it and thought based on his experience, it definitely could work.”
“And check this out…any time I’ve used this protocol on myself, I’ve gained 10 pretty solid pounds in just 3 weeks.”
“Dude, I’ve NEVER gained 10 solid pounds in 3 weeks, even when I was in my 20’s.” he said.
He was shaking his head at this point.
“Why didn’t you come back to visit sooner…”
“Ok, on to the last one now.”
“It may not sound quite as glamorous as that hyperplasia thing but the stuff I’m going to show you here can help you get stronger faster than anything you’ve tried before.”
“As we get older, our nervous systems start to deteriorate. Your balance starts to go. You’re less coordinated. Then we have the problem that your nerves don’t regenerate and there aren’t any training protocols or supplements I could find that could make that happen.”
“So we need to make better use of the nervous system that we’ve got.”
Jack was nodding slowly in agreement.
“Let’s say a ‘normal’ person can activate their nervous system with a 60% efficiency, meaning that they can activate 60% of their muscle fibers to lift a weight.”
“With regular weight training, they might be able to bring that up to 65 or 70%. Elite strength athletes can hit up to 80 to 85% or more activation…that’s how they can get stronger without getting bigger.”
“You owned a gym for 5 years…you know that the VAST majority of beginner strength gains happen because of that improvement in nervous system efficiency. People get stronger fast because their nervous system learns how to fire better.”
“And 10% may not sound like much but that’s an additional 20 pounds on a 200 pound bench press… it’s 30 pounds on a 300 pound squat.”
Jack looked skeptical again…”Yeah, but instantly?”
“Yep, I’ve got a technique that uses what I call contralateral antagonistic neuromuscular activation to transfer 10% more nervous system impulses through the corpus callosum that connects the two halves of your brain when you lift a weight with one side of your body and activate the opposing muscle on the other side at the same time. It delivers 5 to 10% more strength instantly in the working muscle.”
“Ok, all I heard was Charlie Brown’s teacher talking there… wah wah wah, wah wah.”
“Basically, you can use this to go from curling a 50 lb dumbbell to a 55 lb dumbbell instantly, for the same reps. And that means more tension on the muscle…which means more muscle GROWTH stimulation.”
“Gotcha… I like that. Just say that next time.”
“I’ve also got new versions of methods that you’re probably already familiar with like isometrics, cluster training and max effort training to really maximize nervous system activation.”
“Now you’re talking my language. I’ve used cluster training before and I love it.”
Jack slapped his hand on his forehead.
“Man, of course I want to do it! This stuff is really resonating with me. I think it’s EXACTLY what I need to get back on track.”
“I’m SO sick of feeling like I’m going downhill… getting old… falling apart.
“I’m just done with it. I’m not afraid of a little hard work, especially with what you’ve told me.”
“I mean, shoot, I’m ALREADY training hard… I want to train hard with a plan that’s going to set me up for LONG TERM success, not just fighting the decline. I want to BEAT the decline.”
“And all that crazy stuff that you still do PROVES to me that it can be done. This is exactly what I need.”
“I think you’re going to love this program, Jack. I’ll get a copy over to you as soon as I get to my laptop.”
“Sweet! What’s the name of the program? It’s just mind-blowing stuff here.”
“This book has EVERTHING you need to know for training, nutrition and supplementation to maximize your underlying physiology to truly SUPPORT your muscle mass like it needs to be supported as you get older.”
“It’s got full explanations of how and why each of these factors affect your muscle mass and exactly how to train and how to use supplements to fix them.”
“It’s got full programs targeting each factor, with detailed notes on training methods, sets, reps, weights to use and how to use them… I’ve even shot video for every single training method so you’ll know EXACTLY what you’re doing every step of the way.”
“And if you ever have any questions about any of it, just shoot me an email… that’s in the book, too. I know this stuff inside out and I’m happy to help any time you need it.”
As he headed out the door, I smiled. Having known him for more than 35 years, I could tell when he was cranked up about something… and he was REALLY cranked up about this training.
“Wait, one more thing!” I called out to him as he was about to head out the door. “That supplement I was telling you about that you need to take to before training is L-Citrulline.”
He slapped his head. “Thanks! I totally forgot. I got distracted by all the other stuff you were telling me.”
“There’s a specific form of it I find works best…it’s in the book in the supplement section with a link where you can get the real stuff SUPER cheap. Don’t waste your money on pre-workouts that have it in them…it’s never enough.”
He nodded as he pushed open the door “Thanks again! Gotta run!”
The moment I got back to my laptop, I sent the book over to him.
He wrote me back within minutes saying thanks.
And then we parted ways for more than a year.
I opened it up and saw a picture that I couldn’t believe…
I texted him back and said… “DANG man! What a difference! You shaved your head! I almost didn’t recognize you.”
Those three dots started bubbling furiously…
“Ha ha, very funny. Yeah, I did. But what ELSE do you notice?”
I typed back… “Dude, you’re a BEAST. You really put that stuff to work.”
He wrote back “Yep. I actually ended up running through the full program twice over 6 months. Then I used a couple of your other programs to build muscle and drop some fat. Your training is just crazy. I love it.”
I responded “I’m proud of you, man. That’s a testament to the hard work you put in. Trust me, I know it ain’t easy.”
He typed back… “THANK YOU for this. This was exactly the kick in the butt I needed. Any time you’re back in town and you need a place to stay, I know some great motels in the area…”
“So funny. Keep in touch, man. And if you’re ever in my area, let me know. I’ll be out of town.”
Detailed instructions on how Return to Prime works and how to implement it for maximum results. I leave no stone unturned in this manual, giving you all my best tips, tricks and advice for getting the most out of this program.
Full training manuals for all four phases of the program…set, reps, exercises, training methods… it’s all explained.
A complete, mobile-friendly video library demonstrating every single method and workout included with the Return to Prime manual so that you know EXACTLY what you’re doing, every step of the way.
A Supplement Guide so you know what supplements to take during each phase of the program and how to get the most bang for your buck. Supplements are never 100% necessary but there are some powerful supplements in this guide that come close (and they’re not expensive!).
A Training Equipment Guide so you know exactly how to get the most out of every piece of equipment in the gym…and what other equipment you may want to invest in to maximize your results.
FREE downloads of all future updates to the book that I make.
Full email support from ME, the author and creator of the program, whenever you need it.
This is an ebook, available by instant download so you don’t have to wait to get your hands on the info!
This program is my “never fail secret protocol” for building targeted mass on a specific bodypart faster than any other method I’ve found in 35 years of training.
This is an ebook, available by instant download so you don’t have to wait to get your hands on the info!
I stand behind my programs 100%. Every concept, technique and workout has been tested and proven.
However, if this program doesn’t work for YOU, no problem. I’ll give you back every penny.
Answer: Yes, you can! The training in this program is designed to rebuild internal infrastructure back to where it was 20 years ago. The methods in this program are all science-based and backed by years of experience and testing.
Answer: This program works GREAT for women. The only difference between how men and women will use this program will be the amount of weight used and the exercise selection. The training concepts are applied exactly the same, male or female.
Answer: This program is actually TARGETED for older trainers! You’ll potentially get even BETTER results than younger guys with it!
Answer: Honestly, no. The training in this program is definitely not appropriate for beginning trainers. I would wait until you’ve got at least 6 months to a year of regular weight training under your belt before you try this program.
Answer: Yes, as long as you’ve got the available equipment to properly do the training. It will be a bit tougher to do some of the connective tissue training if you don’t have a power rack or Smith machine to work with, but it is still possible.
Answer: I do offer some basic dietary advice for each phase of the program in the book, simply because some phases can definitely benefit from different macronutrients. When it comes to supplements, while they’re not 100% necessary, I DO recommend several that I would consider to be 98% necessary. You’re going to get MUCH better results for the effort you put in by using them.
Answer: In this program, you’ll be doing anywhere between 4 to 6 workouts per week, depending on the phase you’re doing. You can also adjust these training days by spacing them out a bit more if you need to.
Answer: Some of the workouts will be about 40 minutes long…the longest ones are up to 90 minutes (though I’ve got some adjustments you can make to shorten those, if you need to).
Answer: I wouldn’t recommend it. Put your 100% focus on this program. You WON’T lose any mass or strength on any of your other exercises.
Answer: You do have some control over exercise selection. There are some methods in the book that require very specific exercises or types of exercise, so you’ll want to follow the recommendations pretty closely, as best you can.
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